Friday, July 13, 2012

Paint options?

As long as I'm demanding input from the artists, I am also soliciting input on paint schemes. My favorite right now is the maroon Indian from the last post, but I also like this black and gray two-tone paint a lot:
Black and gray
Another two-tone variation is this vintage 1950's picture I found on eBay, of a two-tone green paint job:

Some background... J Paul DuPont (of DuPont paint fame) was an avid motorcyclist, and would be savior of Indian Motorcycle Company. He gave them an infusion of capitol that delayed their demise until 1953 or so... The official 1948 order blank offers red, yellow, blue, black and green, but because of the DuPont connection, some restorers claim that you could special-order an Indian in any color that DuPont made...

I guess I am asking for input on two questions:

1) single color or two-tone?

2) what color(s)

Edited: color chart added by John.


  1. If it were mine there's no question, I'd go black wheels. Buck saddle would be a must as well. I prefer the simplicity of the single color. Maroon, the stock green/blue, stock medium blue, black, they all look great. Maroon might be my first choice but it would definitely require some tortured consideration. I like a lot of the parts black too (headlight shell etc.).

  2. hmmm - I must say that Black/Grey looks good to me too.
